“God is on his throne, everything is going his way, and he loves me”

“God is on his throne, everything is going his way, and he loves me”

I had a friend who used to answer a common question in an uncommon way. He has since moved to another city, but his response has never left me. For a long time, when I would ask how he was, he gave a three-fold response:

“God is on his throne, everything is going his way, and he loves me.”

These are simple yet profound truths. They define not only how we are in ultimately, but how we can be in the present. Our circumstances may loom large in our minds. We may fear and fret all day long. But for those in Christ, these three things are always right.

God is on his throne” means a King is ruling and reigning. He is immovable and irreplaceable with glory and honor. We are not left alone. Despite what we may be tempted to think, this world has order and meaning. Everything matters—even what you’re enduring right now.

Everything is going his way” means nothing is surprising to God. Nothing is outside of his control. History may be long and bloody, your life may be filled with suffering and tears, but it all bends toward restoration and redemption. We can trust his hand because we’ve seen his heart.

And he loves me” means our King cares. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will be will us always, until the end of the age. When we’re not sure what to make of what we’re facing, this truth re-centers us on the gospel. Jesus died to have us. God loves you, and maybe your biggest struggle is to let his love in—to let God love you.

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