The Lamb's Blood Did This?
Photo by Sam Carter on Unsplash
The scene: Exodus 12. God sends the final devastating plague to the Egyptians
I don’t have a lamb.
Where am I to get one on such short notice?
I’m exhausted. Ever since Moses and Aaron started opening their mouths, I’ve had to work harder than ever. They don’t even give me the straw to make my bricks anymore. I have to go get it myself and still produce just as much. I can barely move my hands these days. My wife is no better off. And the kids! Those poor kids. My Jack won’t make it through this if I don’t find a lamb.
Remember. Just think for a minute. What did he say? Didn’t he say something about neighbors helping neighbors? “If the household is too small for a lamb, then he can his nearest neighbor shall take according to the number of persons.” That’s right. Ok, God is providing. We’re gonna be ok. Maybe.
Well, at least I have a lamb now. I really don’t know what I’d do without my parents helping us out. I can’t create a lamb out of nothing! Ok, it’s time to think clearly. Remember what Moses said to do. It’s the fourteenth day. It’s time to kill the lamb. He said to wait until twilight. We’ll all kill them together.
I can see the neighbors outside with their knives. Time to go.
The sound was terrible. I may never get the bleating of the lambs out of my head. What a terrible sound.
Kids, sit down.
No, you can’t put your jammies on.
Yes, you have to wear your shoes.
Please, stop talking!
Just listen to me.
Eat, son. Eat right now.
Do you have your bags ready?
Did I put enough blood on the doorpost?
How did the neighbors do it?
What if I messed this up? What if I’m the cause of my son’s death?
What if I die?
What will happen if tomorrow only Luke and Andy still remain in this house?
If I make it, the only reason will be because this lamb didn’t.
What is that noise?
If the destroyer here? Is he passing over us? If he entering?
Does anyone else hear that sound? Is that screaming? I’ve never heard such horror. I long for the bleating of lambs to drown out this terrible noise.
I have no idea if we’re going to make it through this.
But God said we would if we obeyed.
I’m doing my best. It feels so insufficient.
Shut up, everyone. I hear a knocking on the door.
What’s that? Time to go?
Kids grab your bags. Let’s go.
Keep up.
Don’t lag.
Just listen to me.
I don’t know where we’re going. Just follow along.
Where are we?
Is that the sea?
How did we get here?
I guess this is the plan. Are we free?
What happens now?
Haha, who cares? We’ve made it this far!
Wait, what just happened? Look, my family is all here. The lamb’s blood did this?
What will God do now?