What Faith Is, Really

pray.jpg “Then Moses turned to the Lord and said, “O Lord, why have you done evil to this people? Why did you ever send me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has done evil to this people, and you have not delivered your people at all."

Exodus 5:22-23

At some point in the life of ministry, these questions will surface. If you are living for the Lord at all, you will have to confront him about the seemingly impossible and insane situation he has brought you into. His ways often do not make sense to us – at least not right now. Moreover, it often looks like massive failure. With God, things sometimes get worse before they get better. That’s not because he doesn’t love us, but because he has to love some things out of us before we will be willing to accept him as he is. He uses clean vessels and it takes some scrubbing to get the dirt out. We’re pretty sullied.

If you are serving the Lord and it appears that he has turned everything you touch to poison, it may be that he is purifying you for greater blessing than you have the capacity to imagine right now. You must be certain that you are following him. You must be certain that you are doing his will. But if you are following him and you can see within the pages of the Bible that you are being obedient, just hold on a little longer. God is coming in glory to you and your people. He is coming to save, just as he did for Israel in Egypt.

Faith is the ability to look through the outward circumstances and see the truth behind it all. It means to understand on a grand scale the purpose of everything. God is the wisest person in the world. For him to wrestle with us is not punishment. It is blessing. If we only had eyes to see it, we would smile and thank him. Give him time and you will see that he is smiling upon you even in the hardest of times. He is for you and he is with you. Just hold on.

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